Thursday, July 10, 2008

Issues, Etc. Back On the Air

I am a bit late on this announcement but Rev. Todd Wilken is back on the air again. He is being broadcast on Pirate Radio whose motto is this: Christian Talk Radio Without Pop-Psych and Self-Help. We Preach Christ and Him Crucified for Your Sins.

You can use the link on the right or this one, to hear Christ-centered teaching and preaching from a confessional Lutheran perspective. He interacts with Lutherans and non-Lutherans on a whole host of contemporary issues. I would recommend listening to this program (or downloading it) instead of listening to regular Christian radio -- Wilken, et. al. provides much more content and food for the soul. Yeah!


Jeff Meyers said...


I had classes with Todd at Concordia. I agree that it's better than most Christian radio fluff. But the hard-core Lutheran, two-kingdom, Gospel/law drumbeat can be a bit much.

Anonymous said...

I find the sermon reviews great on Issues etc. I wonder if there's a way to blend the best of the Lutheran perspective with Reformed theology?

Dave Sarafolean said...


I agree that "the hard-core Lutheran, two-kingdom, Gospel/law drumbeat" can get a bit old. At times I find it helpful though.

Another area of Lutheran practical theology that seems forced are the sermons that are non-exegetical exhortations. Most often they are taken from the Gospels. While the themes that are explicated are helpful I find that the pastor/preacher overlooks lots of stuff that we would want to use in speaking to our congregations.