Thursday, February 26, 2009

I'm Somebody now!

If you've ever seen Steve Martin's movie, The Jerk, there is a memorable line when the 'hero', Navin R. Johnson finds his name in the phone book and exclaims, "I'm somebody now!"

That's kind of how I felt when I was sent this link: Reformation Society Events - Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, Inc . Tomorrow evening I will be speaking at the Northeast Michigan Reformation Society and will be the lead-off speaker. I will be followed by two others speaking on the same passage. Our assigned text is Hebrews 6:1-8 and the topic of apostasy. Those familiar with the text will know that it is a thorny passage if there ever was one (pun intended).


Anonymous said...

Give 'em GRACE!!

Anonymous said...

Wish that I could have been there!
