Saturday, June 27, 2009

John Piper on Doug Wilson

I saw this on Monday but decided not to post it until now.

Well, the esteemed Dr. Piper just went down a bit in my book. This is a very confusing and disheartening comment.

For the record, seven different reformed denominations investigated Federal Vision theology (FV) and condemned it (PCA, OPC, URC, RPCNA, BP, RCUS, and OCRC). Several reformed seminaries have done the same. Dr. Piper just can't sweep that aside claiming that they don't understand.

Dr. Scott Clark has written a thoughtful piece: A Gentle Rebuke to Brother John (Updated) « Heidelblog


Anonymous said...

These are some shocking statements by Piper - some sound even arrogant. I think he just got carried least I hope so.


Dave Sarafolean said...


Well, he has invited Doug Wilson to be the featured speaker at his pastor's conference next fall.

Scott Clark's comments were very helpful. I hope that you copy and paste the link and read it for yourself.

Anonymous said...


I just read Scott Clark's analysis. It is excellent and makes me indeed worried concerning Piper. One of the problems seems to be that so many Presbyterians nowadays look up to "quasi-reformed" preachers (Piper, the "Souvereign-grace-preachers" et al). "Reformed giants" like R.C. Sproul, in my point of view, have associated too much with these men so that our people thought they're solid Reformed theologians. Now they have the power and influence to confuse Presbyterians and to resurrect the debate about FV or even N.T. Wright, Sanders or Norm Shepherd.


Keith Throop said...

Hello Dave,

I am a fellow graduate of Covenant Theological Seminary who happens to be a Reformed baptist pastor in Bloomington, Illinois.

I want to thank you for the information about the seven different Reformed denominations that have investigated Federal Vision and condemned it. I didn't know there were that many who had taken such a strong stance, and I am glad to see it!

I wrote my own blog article about this back in June as well, and I think I may want to update it with the new information you have provided and a link to this post. I wish I had known it at the time.

My own response to this is entitled "Disappointed in John Piper's Judgment About Doug Wilson" and may be read here (if you are interested):

Thanks again for the informative post!


Anonymous said...

Doug Wilson is a godly man who knows the scriptures...maybe Piper will learn something from him.