Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Pot Calling the Kettle "Black"

Over at Reformation21 Todd Pruitt wonders out loud about Tullian Tchividjian's ministry called Liberate and his coalition of churches.  He asks the following questions:

"What is it these days with pastors feeling the need to lead movements?  In seeing the Liberate site today, a friend asked me what sadly seems to be an increasingly unthinkable question: 'Why can't we just serve our denomination?'  Silly man."
"I serve a church of around 1,000 souls.   That challenge is daunting and most days I don't feel as though I'm doing a very good job.  Perhaps my gifts are vastly more miniscule than I previously thought.  But how does a man pastor a large church and lead a movement at the same time?" 
These are fair questions and they have crossed my mind as well.  But it is a little inconsistent of Mr. Pruitt to point the finger at Tullian and not some of those affiliated with The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals.

For instance Rick Phillips is not only a pastor but has been deeply involved with the Alliance for years.  On top of that he is also a council member for The Gospel Coalition and he is also a member of The Gospel Reformation Network.  So, on top of his pastoral duties he is involved with three other ministies/movements/coalitions.  The same could be said for many others involved at the Alliance or the Gospel Coalition or any number of other good ministries.

Though Mr. Pruitt doesn't wish to pick on Tullian, unfortunately I think he has.  I have no idea why Tullian wants to start another network of churches but it seems to me he has every right to do so.

Back to the books and my congregation.


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