Monday, January 30, 2012

Planting Confessional Churches

Over the weekend I listened to a fascinating interview about planting confessionally reformed churches.  The interview featured two OPC pastors planting churches in very different parts of our country.  The Rev. Brad Herzog, is planting an OPC church in Queens, New York.  The Rev. Mark Winder is planting a church in Collierville, Tennessee which is near Memphis.

What is particularly striking is that both men are using a "no frills" approach to ministry:.evangelism guided by presuppositional apologetics, expository preaching, catechetical training, and prayer.  I say "no frills" because I don't get the impression that they are starting with a budget of $500,000 or more so that they can hire a worship leader, and administrative help (that's pretty much the way it is done in the PCA).  What's encouraging is that both men are seeing fruit from their labors and God is growing their churches.  Last year we had the privilege of having a medical student from the Queens church worship with us as he worked on his residency at a local hospital.

We in the PCA have a skeptical view of such church plants.  Few think that they will succeed and even fewer want to try (sadly I've also seen us neglect such groups who come to us looking for guidance).

Go here for the interview.  

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