Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Complaint Filed in TE Jeffrey Meyers Case

Last week news broke that TE Jeff Meyers had been exonerated by his presbytery (Missouri Presbytery) of holding theological views outside the bounds of the Westminster Confession of Faith.  As one of the 29 who signed the "Letter of Concern" I was fairly sure that their investigation would yield this outcome. 

Now news has come forth that two members of that presbytery have filed a complaint: Complaint Against Exoneration of TE Jeffrey Meyers « Johannes Weslianus.  This means that TE Meyers 'exoneration' is pending and might be overturned.  First, Missouri Presbytery will hear the complaint and consider its merits.  If it is denied (and most assuredly it will be) then the complainers will appeal that decision to the denomination's Standing Judicial Commission.

Of note are the first two grounds of the complaint:
1) "Missouri Presbytery erred because it was biased against the signers of the letter of concern, which led to the investigation. The investigation began in the context of accusing the signers of the Letter of Concern with violating the Ninth Commandment and stating, “The good name of TE Jeffrey Meyers has already been dishonored.” This statement indicates that these men thought that the allegations were false before they conducted an investigation."

2) "Missouri Presbytery erred because it did not properly weigh the evidence. According to the Missouri Presbytery Investigative Committee Report (MICR), “Context, emphasis, purpose, and considering the full corpus of a [sic] what a person has written and taught are all crucial factors in accurately interpreting the meaning of his individual statements” (MICR, 24, emphasis original). However on several points the committee did not demonstrate that they properly considered the full corpus and context of Meyers’ writings."
I am still trying to find time to read the Missouri Presbytery report in its entirety.  From what I have read the first two grounds of this complaint resonate with my intial conclusions.

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